“One man
believes basketball
can actually
save the world”

“This book is a must read … so cool, it’s sickening.”

“At N.Y.U., explaining an unraveling world through basketball”

“When are you (Hollander) running for office?”
“a breathless messiah”

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“Professor Hollander makes the case for basketball as a philosophy–as a required subject like math, science, history or literature. I'm ready to get my PhD.”
- CHARLES BARKLEYBasketball Hall of Fame Inductee, NBA MVP + 11-time All-Star
“You learn very powerful things in basketball:
how to be in sync with other people the, the pleasure of that;
a sense of ‘I belong here” and ‘I’m an important part of a larger thing’ and to say we all are in the same boat, we're all human beings.
Hollander has hit at the core of something very fundamental.”
- DR. BESSEL VAN DER KOLKNY Times Bestselling Author The Body Keeps the Score
“Ball is life. This book tells us how and why.”
- MARK CUBANOwner of Dallas Mavericks and Mark Cuban Companies
"If we are going to think and act in new ways about inclusion, gender and equity, then we need new ideas and new language. Professor Hollander shows us how basketball is that new way and that new language."
- NNEKA OGWUMIKEWNBPA President and WNBA Champion, MVP, 7-time All-Star
“So much bigger than the game.
An achievement bar none by a true scholar, in love. Read, enjoy, learn, absorb, disagree.
Needs to be a required part of the curriculum at every college nationwide.”
- DAN KLORESPeabody Award-winning filmmaker
“Reading this book was a bit like watching a perfectly executed play. It made my heart feel full.”
- GENE LUEN YANGAward-winning author Dragon Hoops, American Born Chinese; National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature
“There's nothing better than actually playing ball, but the next best thing may very well be sharing stories and emotions of how the game affects us all in a deeply nuanced manner.
I can't sit still experiencing How Basketball Can Save The World.
It gets me too riled up not to lace up!”
Basketball Sage, Author Aim High, Little Giant, Aim High; Director Doin’ It In The Park: Pick-Up Basketball NYC